The Strathfield 9JE prefix first commenced in 2007 and sees the next generation of Perry's becoming formally involved in the Droughtmaster industry. This prefix was initially operated on behalf of Brodie and Josh Perry, grandsons of the late Noel Perry. The Perry family saw the need to cultivate the boy's enthusiasm and the decision was made to help them forge their own identity within the breed. As the boys had inherited the 9JE brand from their grandfather, it seemed highly appropriate that this would form part of the new stud's identity, thus "Strathfield 9JE" was born.
As they boys grew into adulthood and started focusing on their individual careers, it was evident that the passion for the Droughtmaster Breed was Josh's. Josh acquired the stud prefix and set about growing and developing the Strathfield 9JE Stud.

Homeward Bound
The 9JE brand has a very long history within the Perry family. It was originally registered on 13 April, 1874 by a Chinese man, James Sue and was registered to be used on the Nebo town reserve. Nathaniel Perry purchased and registered the brand in November 1897 before it passed to his son, Robert Perry in April 1898. Stanley Perry then became the owner of the brand in December 1952 on the death of his father Robert. 9JE then passed from Stanley to his son Noel in 1982 and on Noel's passing, his youngest son Shane, took over guardianship of the brand for Brodie and Josh Perry.

End of Day